Things I learned/realized deeply in 2009:
1) Never stand on rolling chairs, even if you think you are steady.
2) Never disobey God. Ever. He means what He says.
3) God's perfect will cannot be improved upon.
4) Writing piano songs is a complicated endeavour, if not so much from the actual task as from wondering how the people for whom they were intended will react.
5) Junior highers are wonderful.
6) Editing grammar brings me great joy. I mean, I always suspected it, but now it's been confirmed. And I love being an English major.
7) God is good, faithful, and merciful.
8) I need to finish both my novels sometime before I die. It would really suck to die with two half-finished novels, sitting there in a metaphorical pile in my computer.
9) God blessed me with the best family and friends anyone could ever want.
10) I love making lists.
What have you learned?
God knows best
His timing is perfect
I have two fantastic sisters
A beautiful family
countless dreams
much passion
I'm guessing you had an experience with a rolling chair?
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